Work is progressing on the Marsh Hall bedroom and to date (and to let you know I haven't forgotten about this property) I have just completed dressing a four poster bed.
The bed was purchased quite some time ago from Ashwood Designs*
*Picture courtesy of Ashwood Designs' website.
I had bought it for another property but unfortunately, given the size of the room I was working on at the time, it was too wide so I replaced it with a single bed of the same design leaving me with this one which worked out really well as I think it's ideal for Marsh Hall.
In my head, Marsh Hall is a baronial property situated in the Highlands of Scotland round about 1850. High fashion didn't reach the Highlands for quite some time so what may have been cutting edge design in 1850 London (or even Edinburgh) wasn't seen for a while (if at all, even for low gentry) unless of course there was plenty money to hand or you were Queen Victoria and living at Balmoral.
The style it has been dressed in is pretty plain with no unnecessary cushions or frills. That wasn't the Scottish way (although it was tempting to add a couple of cushions - I remained firm!)
So, and while I carry on decorating the main room, here is my Baronial bed.