I've just done a very silly thing - prepared this post, added photos and posted it all to the wrong blog! That's what happens when I don't pay attention. All sorted out now and I can go ahead and show you the stage I'm at with the Bedroom. I'll give more detail on where I bought what once all the accessories are in place.
Below is the "fourth wall" with the door leading into the Laird's study (the extending section on this property)
The screen below is from Art of Mini. I replaced the decorative paper panels provided with very thin leather.
Unusual for a Laird and his lady wife to share a room in 1850 but this is the Scottish Highlands and it can be very cold!
As you can see below, there is a decorative ceiling rose. I decided that something had to be added to that space but there isn't enough room to include the drop of a light fitting. It wouldn't be unusual to have no form of lighting there and I like to think it has given the room some atmosphere.
The little accessories that bring the room to life have all still to be added so until then, I'd like to wish all my followers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.